At a glance
- The Name of organization: Compliance Training (BD) Limited
- Commencement Year: 2018
- Government Nomination: 2019
- Incorporation Certificate No: C-149299/2019
- Trade License No: 042843
- E-TIN No: 547742384458
- Logo Registration No/TM No: 235103 (22/5/19)
- Type of Organization: Limited Company
- Office Location: 187, East Kafrul, Dhaka Cantonment
- Scope of Training : Allover Bangladesh & Abroad Country
- Current Training Location/Venue: Dhaka & Chittagong
- Training Category: All sorts of HR, Admin, Compliance Issues
- Nature of Training: Virtual & Venue/House
- Format of Training: 2 Hours, 5 Hours, 10 Hours, 16 Hours, 30 Hours, 90 Days Course
- It’s A Professional Training Institute
- Truly Dedicated platform for All Sorts of Compliance Training
- All aspect legally permitted organization
- Considering the volume (411 Items of Training) of training-It’s number-01 in Bangladesh
- Quality of Training & Services
- Compliance Series Books makes CTBL different