Certificate Shall Provide After the Successfull Completion of the Training
Course Introduction:
This introductory course is for those who are new to the early childhood field.
This course covers developmental stages, age-appropriate activities for children, positive guidance techniques, and health and safety practices. In this course a participant will learn ways to build children’s self-esteem, how to support children’s learning and development, and about the detection and reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect. Considering all aspect of Bangladesh, Compliance Training (BD) Limited introduces the course. Participant shall be highly benefitted from this course.
Course outcomes
After completing Great Beginnings: An Introduction to Child Care you will be able:
· To identify techniques
· To facilitate young children’s physical, cognitive, and language development.
· To describe the stages of young children’s cognitive development;
· To select appropriate learning activities for young children; and
· To describe the ways in which children’s motor skills develop.
Course Content(s):
· Typical physical growth patterns of young children
· Children's physical development: Ways to facilitate
· The stages of young children's cognitive development
· Young children’s learning techniques
· Children's learning and development: Adult’s roles & responsibilities
· Ways to keep young children safe and healthy, including healthful eating practices, disease control, sanitation practices, safe space and equipment, safety practices, recognizing signs of child abuse and neglect, and helping children who have been abused and neglected
· Guidelines for handling accidents and injuries
· Fire safety precautions
Registration Fee: BDT 4,500/- Per Person
Training Methods:
· Presentation
· Case Study
· Group Discussion
· Brainstorming
Course Summary:
· Online Virtual Training
· 04 Modules & 12 Sessions
· Google Meet Link’s Training
· Certificate Course & Certificate shall be awarded
· 04 Soft PDF Training Module shall provide
কেন কমপ্লায়েন্স ট্রেনিং (বিডি) থেকে করবেন:
১। সরকার অনুমোদিত প্রতিষ্ঠান
২। ১০০% লিগ্যালি পারমিটেড প্রতিষ্ঠান
৩। ওয়ার্ল্ডওয়াইড অনলাইন ভেরিফাইয়েবল সার্টিফিকেট
৪। ইন্ডাস্ট্রি লেভেলের অভিজ্ঞ প্রশিক্ষক
৫। নাম্বার ওয়ান কমপ্লায়েন্স ট্রেনিং ইনস্টিটিউট ইন বাংলাদেশ
Registration Hotlines:
WhatsApp Number:
Payment Modes:
Bkash A/C: 01739-138399 (Personal)
Nagad A/C: 01739-138399 (Personal)
DBBL Rocket A/C: 01739-1383997 (Personal)
DBBL Nexus Pay-01:
Card Number:0121 0845 8527
A/C Name: Mohammad Abdur Rahman
Bank Account Number
A/C NUMBER: 3001570018186
Email: compliancetrainingbd2019@gmail.com
Mr. Mohammad Abdur Rahman is the country renowned Specialist Trainer of Social & Technical Compliance. He has long 16 years professional experience in HR, Admin & Compliance arena. He is the Freelance auditor, Team lead consultant also. He is the writer of compliance series books (9 Books) also. Good educational background & available practical professional job knowledge makes him an EXPERT in Compliance & HR arena. He is known as the compliance specialist in Bangladesh.
You are most welcome to communicate with us. We are always at your service.