Certificate Shall Provide After the Successful Completion of the Training
Course Introduction:
The safety of employees is of the utmost importance and so personal protective equipment (PPE) is commonly used in the workplace to prevent serious health hazards and mitigate risks. This course delves deeply into the use of PPE and studies the various types used for the different dangers that may occur. Learn how to conduct a ‘hazard assessment’ correctly and understand the training required in PPE use and care in this health and safety course. Considering all aspect of Bangladesh, Compliance Training (BD) Limited introduces the course. Participant shall be highly benefitted from this course.
Course outcomes:
Having completed this module, you should be able to:
· Discuss general PPE requirements.
· Summarize the potential hazards found at work.
· Outline the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
· Explain the importance of being trained in PPE and who should do the training.
· Identify the 'consequences of behavior' when using PPE.
· Discuss the importance of demonstration when training and educating PPE.
· Recall when retraining in PPE is necessary.
Training Content(s):
Module-01: Intro Part
1.1: Welcome & Introduction
1.2: Training objectives & Outcomes
Module 2: Introduction to PPE
2.1: Learning outcomes
2.2: PPE Requirements
2.3: Correct Use of PPE
2.4: PPE Categories
2.5: Who Pays for PPE?
2.6: Payment Exceptions
2.7: Choose a Language Programming Model
2.8: Design of PPE
2.9: Back Belts
2.10: General Clothing and PPE in the Workplace
2.12: Legal obligations of PPE
2.13: Health and Safety Program
2.14: Hazard Assessment - Scenario
2.15: Hazard Assessment - Step One
2.16: Evaluation
2.17: Required Documentation
2.18: Hazard Controls
2.19: Elimination and Substitution
2.20: Engineering Controls
2.21: Administrative Controls
2.22: Warnings and PPE
2.23: What Employers Should Know About PPE
2.24: "What, When, and How" of PPE Use
2.25: Consequences of Not Wearing PPE
2.26: Demonstrating PPE Use
2.27: On Job Training (OJT)
2.28: OJT Steps
2.29: Training Instructor
2.30: Training Documentation
2.31: Retraining
2.32: Module Summary
Module-3: Classifications of PPE
3.1: Learning outcomes
3.2: Workplace Eye Injuries
3.3: Causes of Eye Injury
3.4: Eye Injury Prevention
3.5: Employer Expectations Under OSHA
3.6: OSHA Criteria
3.7: Lasers and Emergencies
3.8: Introduction to Respiratory Protection
3.9: Hazard Control
3.10: Respiratory Protection
3.11: Air-Purifying Respirators (APR)
3.12: Respiratory Protection Programs
3.13: Respirator Inspections
3.14: Respiratory Selection
3.15: Various Atmospheres: IDLH Environments
3.16: Various Atmospheres: Non IDLH Environments
3.17: Respirator Use
3.18: Respiratory Maintenance
3.19: Emergency Procedures
3.20: Medical Evaluation Procedures
3.21: Additional Medical Checkups
3.22: When a Respirator Is Not Required
3.23: Head Protection
3.24: Falling Objects and Electrical Hazards
3.25: Head Protection Selection
3.26: Hards Hat Scenarios
3.27: Hand Protection
3.28: Selecting Correct Hand Protection
3.29: Chemical Problems
3.30: Permeations and Breakthrough Rates3.31:
3.32: Working With Tools
3.33: Glove Guide
3.34: Chemical Glove Guide
3.35: Footwear
3.36: Foot Protection Selection Guidelines
3.37: An Introduction to Electrical PPE
3.38: Protective Equipment for Insulation (IPE)
3.39: Employee Responsibility
3.40: Equipment Inspection
3.41: Gloves for Electrical Protection
3.42: Testing
3.43: Failure Exceptions
3.44: What’s All the Commotion About?
3.45: Sound Versus Noise
3.46: Workplace Danger
3.47: When Protection is Needed
3.48: Controls for Noise Hazards
3.49: Hearing Conservation Program
3.50: Protective Hearing Aids
3.51: Employer Responsibilities Increases
3.52: Training and Education
3.53: Module Summary
Full Course Assessment
Training Methods:
· Presentation
· Case Study
· Group Discussion
· Brainstorming
Course Summary:
· Online Virtual Training
· 04 Modules & 12 Sessions
· Google Meet Link’s Training
· Certificate Course & Certificate shall be awarded
· 04 Soft PDF Training Module shall provide
কেন কমপ্লায়েন্স ট্রেনিং (বিডি) থেকে করবেন:
১। সরকার অনুমোদিত প্রতিষ্ঠান
২। ১০০% লিগ্যালি পারমিটেড প্রতিষ্ঠান
৩। ওয়ার্ল্ডওয়াইড অনলাইন ভেরিফাইয়েবল সার্টিফিকেট
৪। ইন্ডাস্ট্রি লেভেলের অভিজ্ঞ প্রশিক্ষক
৫। নাম্বার ওয়ান কমপ্লায়েন্স ট্রেনিং ইনস্টিটিউট ইন বাংলাদেশ
Registration Hotlines:
WhatsApp Number:
Payment Modes:
Bkash A/C: 01739-138399 (Personal)
Nagad A/C: 01739-138399 (Personal)
DBBL Rocket A/C: 01739-1383997 (Personal)
DBBL Nexus Pay-01:
Card Number:0121 0845 8527
A/C Name: Mohammad Abdur Rahman
Bank Account Number
A/C NUMBER: 3001570018186
Email: compliancetrainingbd2019@gmail.com
Mr. Mohammad Abdur Rahman is the country renowned Specialist Trainer of Social & Technical Compliance. He has long 16 years professional experience in HR, Admin & Compliance arena. He is the Freelance auditor, Team lead consultant also. He is the writer of compliance series books (9 Books) also. Good educational background & available practical professional job knowledge makes him an EXPERT in Compliance & HR arena. He is known as the compliance specialist in Bangladesh.
You are most welcome to communicate with us. We are always at your service.