Certificate Shall Provide After the Successfull Completion of the Training
Course Description:
Warehouses are one of the most hazardous places to work in as they contain moving machinery carrying heavy loads. Many activities occur in a warehouse, causing possible risks that could affect the staff and goods in a warehouse. As a warehouse manager or employee, you must know these risks and how to mitigate them. This course provides all the knowledge you need to understand possible hazards and how to prevent them.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:
· Define risk assessment.
· List the types of warehouses and the types of warehouse operations.
· Recall the need for stalking goods.
· Analyze the responsibilities of both employees and employers in health and safety management.
· Describe the injuries that can happen to warehouse workers when working in a warehouse and the procedures to deal with emergencies.
· Explain manual handling and the factors that cause manual handling injuries.
· Identify the functions of equipment used in the warehousing industries.
· Discuss the storage systems and the classification of storage systems of warehouses.
Course Module(s):
Module-01: Intro Part
1.1: Welcome & Introduction
1.2: Training objectives & Outcomes
Module-2: Warehouse Safety Management
2.1: Introduction to Warehouse Safety
2.2: The Role of Warehouse
2.3: Health and Safety Management in Warehouse
2.4: General Warehouse Hazards
2.5: Manual and Mechanical Handling
2.6: Site Safety
2.7: Module Summary
Full Course Assessment
Registration Fee: BDT 3,500/- Per Person
Training Methods:
· Presentation
· Case Study
· Group Discussion
· Brainstorming
Course Summary:
· Online Virtual Training
· 4 Modules & 08 Sessions
· Google Meet Link’s Training
· Certificate Course & Certificate shall be awarded
· 04 Soft PDF Training Module shall provide
কেন কমপ্লায়েন্স ট্রেনিং (বিডি) থেকে করবেন:
১। সরকার অনুমোদিত প্রতিষ্ঠান
২। ১০০% লিগ্যালি পারমিটেড প্রতিষ্ঠান
৩। ওয়ার্ল্ডওয়াইড অনলাইন ভেরিফাইয়েবল সার্টিফিকেট
৪। ইন্ডাস্ট্রি লেভেলের অভিজ্ঞ প্রশিক্ষক
৫। নাম্বার ওয়ান কমপ্লায়েন্স ট্রেনিং ইনস্টিটিউট ইন বাংলাদেশ
Registration Hotlines:
WhatsApp Number:
Payment Modes:
Bkash A/C: 01739-138399 (Personal)
Nagad A/C: 01739-138399 (Personal)
DBBL Rocket A/C: 01739-1383997 (Personal)
DBBL Nexus Pay-01:
Card Number:0121 0845 8527
A/C Name: Mohammad Abdur Rahman
Bank Account Number
A/C NUMBER: 3001570018186
Email: compliancetrainingbd2019@gmail.com
Mr. Mohammad Abdur Rahman is the country renowned Specialist Trainer of Social & Technical Compliance. He has long 16 years professional experience in HR, Admin & Compliance arena. He is the Freelance auditor, Team lead consultant also. He is the writer of compliance series books (9 Books) also. Good educational background & available practical professional job knowledge makes him an EXPERT in Compliance & HR arena. He is known as the compliance specialist in Bangladesh.
You are most welcome to communicate with us. We are always at your service.